As an experimental creation, Dispersion
is inspired by the wabi-sabi, a Japanese
esthetic concept based among others
on the simplicity, the beauty of things
that are imperfect, the ephemeral,
as well as space and emptiness.
This concept refers to the subjective variations
of space which can be translated by the break,
the interval, the silence and the duration, connecting
two individuals or separate objects. Disrupted,
annihilated, scattered, the typeface are reduced
to a geometrical and abstract composition,
they lead to multiple interpretations.
They possess of the web page without neglecting
the importance of space, which circulates all around,
being completely part of the composition, and invite
the user to intervene directly on the aspect of this one.
As consequence, the user becomes an actor
of the experiment. He is not passive any more,
as nowadays’s webdesign is thought in a way
that optimizes the use and limits the effort.
It’s his role to take control on the web page
and to see what results from it.
So, thanks to the responsive design and to the use
of media-queries we can see, by shrinking
the window browser, the various modules getting closer
in order to form a legible message, for a brief moment.
The typeface ends up overlapping and becoming
muddled, it forms a kind of monogram. The last image
is opposed to the first one because the full
take precedence over the empty, the contrasts of color
are reversed and the horizontal becomes vertical.
Moreover the message which appears is extracted
from Richard Powell's quotation in his work Wabi Sabi
Simple: " Wabi-sabi nurtures all that is authentic
by acknowledging three simple realities : nothing lasts,
nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect. "
It echoes the ephemerality and the infinity
peculiar to internet : a " liquid " and flexible media,
never fixed, where the forms as well as the individuals
meet in the same space, cross, mix and sometimes divide.
Requête Spatiale
International Master in Graphic Design
Campus Fonderie de l'image