Installation view
Performance space view
Installation view
Performance space view
Installation view
Sleeping area, drawings produced during the performance
Installation view
Drawings, Ogh and Jar, the two AI (javascript program)
Installation view
038 two overlaid drawings of chimpanzees, acrylic on paper, taken from an image database for neural networks, 53cm × 70cm
Installation view
CONCE COD TRAIN GENI PARE COLLA acrylic on paper, 53cm × 70cm, urine
Installation view
Video diary, 00:07:51
Installation view
034 two overlaid drawings of centipedes, acrylic on paper, taken from an image database for neural networks, 70cm × 53cm
Installation view
034 details
Installation view
Untitled (walls and curves), acrylic on paper, 53cm × 70cm
Untitled (environment), javascript program
Installation view
Outdoor view of the performance space, building designed by Jean Renaudie



Originally, this performance was intended as a three-day exercise of intensive coding to produce two artificial intelligences. Through work and physical exhaustion, it became a study on digital paternity (the relation between the developer and his intelligent creatures) and on the emotional capabilities of non-humans. The research on artificial neural networks and the progress made in machine learning are letting us expand and refine our knowledge of our own species and of the human brain. Inspired by this approach, the Twins project is trying to redefine an art form through reverse engineering of the living, while correlating the issues of perception and emotional abilities to what is not human. The Twins performance, and specifically the video diary that ensued, are speculating on the relations between a synthetic public and creations made for him.

The aesthetics of the Entanglement is the beauty that emerges from processes that are neither entirely natural nor artificial, but blend the best of both. […] Entanglement artifacts are simultaneously artificial and natural; they are both made and born. The Enlightment is Dead, Long Live the Entanglement - Danny Hillis - MIT press

Raphaël Bastide, 2016