Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view Timelines, installation view




Timelines est une série de représentations de lignes temporelles non linéaires inspirées par la science fiction, le principe de superposition quantique et les systèmes de contrôles de versions utilisés en programmation. Les 19 sculptures qui constituent ce corpus sont faites d’argile non cuite, de caoutchouc et de métaux divers. Elles font référence au statut ambiguë des objets mathématiques et des modèles informatiques : leurs échelles, fonctions et factures imprécises en font des objets hybrides, entre outils et essais plastiques. — Raphaël Bastide, 2016, Paris — Projet réalisé avec le soutiens de La Génarale

Timelines is a set of non linear time representations inspired by science fiction, the quantum superposition principle and version control systems used in programming. The 19 sculptures that constitute this corpus are made of unfired clay, rubber and varied metals. They refer to the ambiguous status of mathematical objects and computer science models: their imprecise scales, functions, and craftsmanship make them hybrid objects, between tools and sculptural trials. — Raphaël Bastide, 2016, Paris — This project was achieved with the support of La Génarale. Photo: Louise Drulhe and Raphaël Bastide