Révisable 1
This first version of a series of assemblages part of 1962, a research around versioned physical artworks, led by Raphaël Bastide since 2012. Révisable 1 focuses on making modifications of a versioned object accessible, and on the publication of its history. The artwork therefore questions both online and offline audiences and players by offering them a finite set of actions.
There is no hierarchy between the original and its modifications; only the creation of an archive, self-documented, open, and as “forkable” as a software.
This project is under MIT LICENSE.
Initiated by Raphaël Bastide in May 2013.
Contact: bonjour/at/raphaelbastide.com

- version: 11.0
- contributor: Yhancik
- date: 2013-08-20
- code: on GitHub

- version: 10.0
- contributor: Minnie Fractale
- date: 2013-08-13
- code: on GitHub

- version: 9.0
- contributor: Pierre Bertet
- date: 2013-08-06
- code: on GitHub

- version: 8.0
- contributor: Raphaël
- date: 2013-07-30
- code: on GitHub

- version: 7.0
- contributor: Tigre Radio
- date: 2013-07-24
- code: on GitHub

- version: 6.1 (bug fix)
- contributor: Alice
- date: 2013-07-16
- code: on GitHub

- version: 6.0
- contributor: Alice
- date: 2013-07-10
- code: on GitHub

- version: 5.0
- contributor: Vincent Evrard
- date: 2013-07-02
- code: on GitHub

- version: 4.0
- contributor: Galhac
- date: 2013-06-25
- code: on GitHub

- version: 3.0
- contributor: Collectif Sin ~
- date: 2013-06-18
- code: on GitHub

- version: 2.0
- contributor: Romain Poirier
- date: 2013-06-11
- code: on GitHub

- version: 1.0
- contributor: Raphaël Bastide
- date: 2013-06-05
- code: on GitHub

- version: 0.2 (beta)
- contributor: Raphaël Bastide
- date: 2013-06-05
- code: on GitHub

- version: 0.1 (beta)
- contributor: Raphaël Bastide
- date: 2013-06-05
- code: on GitHub
Raphaël Bastide Romain Poirier Collectif Sin ~ Galhac Vincent Evrard Alice Leonards Tigre Radio Pierre Bertet Minnie Fractale Yhancik